2020 new goals and perspective
2020 has officially begun and I guess it’s about time to write down some new goals and a new perspective. I know many gave promises at the very beginning of the year so this might seem a bit late, but I really took some time to think about what I want from my life and find a new perspective. Not just superficial goals that end up getting forgotten in a matter of weeks. I rather wanted to write down some new goals and a perspective that supports achieving them. I don’t want to make it too difficult for myself to keep up but challenging enough to keep track on a monthly basis and do a little analyze same time next year. So here we go..
Improve cooking skills
I would say that at this point my level of cooking is overall above average, but there are some parts I feel could be better. The how part of this goal is continuous experimentation with new recipes and trying to recreate more of those good old classics that require some great skillset, patience and diligence. Understanding what works with what and how certain things react with each other. Also, take some cooking classes, write about them and create new recipes!
Practice yoga
Yoga is something I’ve been doing for a long-long time and I even have a Vinyasa Yoga Teacher certificate, so there’s really no excuses for me to not do yoga as often as possible. Embarrassed to admit that after I got my YT certificate, I did stop doing yoga for about a year and I miss it. I miss how it makes me feel and how it calms my mind helping it to focus on a deeper level. It just makes me overall a better person.
I’ve been back to yoga classes to where I got my certificate for about a month now, but my goal is to start practising yoga by myself on a weekly basis.
Write more
Let’s admit it I’ve been really absent from this blog for months! Really this is eating me up inside since there’s so much I want to write about and share. I have all these notes and folders with ideas and pictures that just need a little dedication and work. This year the goal is to write more, at least three posts a month by the second part of summer (giving some slack for myself here, haha). No, but the idea is to work on my blog a few hours every other day without taking it as extra work, but as something that I am building for myself. Because really, I am learning a lot as I do my research for new posts. I just have to keep on writing more…
Develop consistency and discipline
Consistency and discipline – aah, my two favourite words and most certainly the most admirable characteristics. I envy anyone who has these two working for them. Honestly, there was a period in my life where my focus was so razor-sharp, I was so disciplined and consistent with myself it was inhumane. Not trying to get back to exactly the same level, but I want to get those two working for me so everything else will become so much easier.
New perspective
By a new perspective I mean I want to start knowingly manifesting being a better version of myself and by doing that achieve my goals and continue growing as a person. For this, I’m doing a lot of reading on a daily basis and at this moment I’m listening to an audiobook called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One written by Joe Dispenza. I did start listening to it months ago actually but didn’t quite connect back then. A few weeks ago, while thinking about my life I started to listen to it from the beginning and it really spoke to me. I got so inspired and I’m truly taking it in as a true treat. Highly recommend to anyone working on becoming a better person.
Heres to 2020 – New goals and perspective!